Thursday, February 17, 2005

OK! Another Rant!

Yesterday's Daily Iowan has two story on the front page about black men doing stupid stuff. I'm a black man and I don't do stupid shit. Ignoring Pierre Pierce for the moment let me chat about this other guy, Joe Williams. I know as much as the next black guy ( and I suspect all guys of all races ), that the "booty be talkin" all the time. Sometime I can't even hear myself think because some ladies butt is talking to me. But for the LOVE of GOD, why in the hell would you think taking out you dick and waving it around would make a woman want you more?!? Even being hung like a horse, and strung out on cough syrup, I still wouldn't do that! Brothers, please keep it in your pants! If you just can't help yourselves that's what they make porn. Today's DVD give a great show for $5.99, and last a lot longer than video tape.

On the other side of the same coin. Lady, why did you wait 18 months for this story to break. The delay just encourages guys like this to try the same techniques on some poor coed in the future. This guy might have done the same thing 20 times and all it takes is one woman with poor judgment and a "yes" to reinforce his theory on how to score with women. (In Defense, of the young lady, I can understand that she might be concerned for her college career and the career of her boyfriend wrestler.)

Ok Back to Pierce....

Did you see the Email this guy wrote, apologizing for his behavior?

pierces Jan. 28 e-mail to his alleged victim:

"My first question is what do you want to do? I know last night got real bad, but even when we got unexpected company you still showed me that you had my back, you could of very easily turned on me and made things a lot worse, I am upset that you would lie to me and tell me you are going to sleep when in actuallity you were headed elsewhere, as soon as you figure out their is no other girl in my life that i luv as much as you the better we will be cuz right now honestly you tell me all the shit I want to hear, but once again you tell me you are hanging my pics up and ur not you tell me your not talking to chad and you are, you constatnly lie to me and i really took i out on your bedroom yesterday i was absoloutly furiours, probably the most upset you will ever see me, ever, especially when im going through this difficult time of basketball right now, i though i trusted you and i don't right now i really heard the sincerity in you voice and i thought you were being honest, but you fooled me, why? do you want to be with chad? obviously so because you havent been with me, and I thought last weeekend we established everything and were working on making things well again, but once again your phone never lies, youve been texting him u luv him, and all sorts of shit that he's texted you, like i said i am truely sorry for your room and your papers I threw on the ground all i wanted to do is talk to you and you fleed, probably because you were scared and I understand but i thought for sure you would come back out but you didnt' so that made me go ballistic like never before, i luv you with every ounce of blood in my body, and my heart luvs you more than you can imagine, and you told young you wanted to marry me, but ur living a double life, im not going to be around for this shit anymore yo uneed to make a decision and im going to have to see your actios change big time, but for now call me asap luv P"

(Taken from the Daily Iowan)

Now granted this is and Email, and I'm not the expert on the English language. But Come on... Brothers be articulate or at least try. Make an effort to be part of the human race.

On another note.

A new study show black women have double their presence in college while black men have had decreases in attendance over the last 10 years. I blame women for this. Actually I know there are other issues, but ladies if you stop dating the losers and chase some black males with PHDs and a job maybe this shit will turn around.

That's just my opinion. I could be wrong

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