Sunday, February 11, 2007

So It Begin….

Soon Hordes of girls will be delivering boxes of crunchy death to millions of people. Boxes upon boxes of sugary goodness to diabetics everywhere, and other people who really should be eating these cookies. I’ve got my two cases, do you?

Where does that $3.50 per box go? Well…

89 cents goes to Cost of Sale

- Payment to the cookie company

- Payment to the delivery company

- Cookies program Materials

- Forms and printed resources

40 to 60 cents – Goes to the Troop

- The local girls to pay for the trip, programs, camping, badges and special events.

10 cents – Goes toward Girl Recognition

If TW sells $2500 worth of cookies, she can get an Ipod.

$1.91 - $2.11 – Goes to the Girl Scout

Money for camps, programs, scholarship, outreach, volunteer training and all the other stuff that goes into running a program to turn young girls into wonderful young women.

So start eating PAL!

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