Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"Move it and You can Have It" or "Dance of the TVs"

One of the High Priestess' friends was moving. We can have the TV if we can move it. Of course I said "YES"! This is a 36 inch CRT monster. I have the 32 inch version I bought 4 years ago and it nearly killed me getting it from BEST BUY. I also own the 26 inch version of this same model. Why? They all have tons of inputs for DVDs, VCRs, Video Games Consoles, Computers, and HDTV Signals.

I go by the friends house and the moving guys put it in the back of the van. I drive home and have Technotaz help me move it. OMG! It's has to be 400 pounds. We barely get it out of the van with gravity's help. (Controlled Fall) It so heavy we can hardly lift it for more than 10 seconds. We "walk" the Unit to and through the front door by moving each corner 6 inches at a time. Now I have to make a space for it by moving the 32 inch unit. It's has to weight 250 pounds. It goes to the family room. That displaces the 26 inch to the Master Bedroom. (Oh Boy, the Jello Porn is going to look so sweet in High-Def!)

So we get the stand for the 36 inch set up and it's time to lift this Big Bastard on to the stand. After moving this beast around we find that Sony built handholds into the molding of the set. THANK GUYS! Gotta love that Japanese engineering and attention to detail. It took us a awhile to find them, but they made everything easier. I even found handholds on the 32 inch set that I never knew were there! Which makes moving the second set much easier than the first time I got it four years ago.

I must confess I have a weakness for Sony products. They talk so well together and even if some of the components are 10 years old they still work with one remote. Very Cool. Now I just have to rewire everything so it works!

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