Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentin's Day Post

Normally, I talk about my past and my relationship with women on Valentine's day. However, I just had to put this out into the void. Ladies would it kill you to wear something sexy on Valentine's Day. I know what you are thinking, I'm too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall, or any number of things that mean nothing to your significant other (SO). I will give you the male view point, but I think it works even if your SO is of the same gender.

If your truly cares you could show up in a burlap bag with a seductive slit up the side and he will still want to make love with you. Trust me on this.

Lingerie does have to be expensive or silk and lace. What Lingerie does it is a visual signal to your mate, boyfriend, or anyone else you have in mind that you are ready for having sex. What you are wearing says, "I'm ready to indulge all your perverted twisted fantasies for at least the next hour or two." So what should you be wearing? Lucky for you I have some suggestions, a lot of suggestions.

Trailer Park Beauty - A-Shirt (sometimes called a wife-beater) and thong panties. That's it! Never underestimate how damn sexy simple can be. Yes you may feel everything is "spilling out", but that the point. You you want paint your toes.

Hose and Heels - Stockings, grater belt, your choice of panties. If you want to match a bra with the set that's OK. This is a classical look and it goes with anything from classy dress to Halloween flapper costume.

College Coed - Just you wearing college sweatshirt that one size too big for you. You can use his sweatshirt or pick a sweatshirt with his favorite team. Nothing else. You can do this same look with a men's button-up shirt as well.

The Cheerleader - Every guy thinks about having sex with a cheerleader. It doesn't even have to be a real team. Short skirt or hot pants, tight t-shirt and some fake pom-poms from the dollar store and you are set.

The Teddy Bear - Just a Teddy. A nice teddy that fits you is always nice.

Just You - Nude, birthday suit, naked as a jaybird or any other reference you can to use. Skin is always welcome. If you want modest turn off the lights and crawl under the covers. If you have a big fluffy robe that works too. Try that and cuddle up on the couch.

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