Thursday, December 19, 2013

Stuff My Kids Say

So, I'm picking up Technowitch from high school.  Which I enjoy, now that I'm 48.  When I was 38, I always thought it was a pain in the ass.  Time changes everyone.  Any way.

My daughters is bugging me you "Buy her Food".  Evidently eating at 10:30 AM for first lunch makes you very hungry at 3 PM.    Our Conversation goes something like this;

TW: Dad, Buy me Food.

Me: Nope ( I'm driving )

TW: Take me to Wendy's.  Buy me food.

Me: I'll tell you what.  I have a one dollar, you can get something at Wendy's with that.

TW: I can't get anything!  There's tax.

Me: Fine a buck and a quarter.

TW:  All the dollar hamburgers suck!

Me: Fine, we have Hot Dogs at home.

TW: Noooooo!  I hate hot dogs!

Me: No, You don't.  I've see you eat them many times.

TW:  That's only in the summer, when you grill them.

Me: So?

TW:  In the winter you boil them on the stove and they come out like boiled limp penises.

Me.  (Laughing.) Wow!  Alright you win!

TW:  So, buy me food?!?

She wins, and I buy her two pieces of pizza at the HyVee.

Boiled Limp Penises,  I'm not going to be eating Hot Dogs for a while.

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