Friday, November 05, 2004

I was going to do a non-political post on my favorite body parts on a women, but I just have to say something.

I'm very pleased how the election turned out. I like Bush! (I love that! It works on so many levels!)

If you look at my last few posts and comments, this is exactly what the Democratic party needs. A kick in the ass, wake up and smell the coffee. When Kerry lost it was the best thing to happen for Democratic party, Women and Black Americans.

Democrats !
Democrats start looking for good Presidential canidates NOW! Groom them for 2008! You can try Ms. Clinton or Mr. Obama if you want, but I would try looking at Current and Former Governors for the short list. Your last to successes have been Governors ( Carter from Georgia and Clinton from Arkansas ). Senators rarely get into the Oval Office, too much of a track record. Jimmy and Bill came out of nowhere, and took the GOP off guard. Also you have lost any good moderate Dems in this election. All the good candidates form the House and Senate that people would vote for are gone. I'd start looking at Fmr. Gov. Ann Richards of Texas (Women start working now!). Here is a list of Governors

It's in your hands now lady. You got a fresh start for 2008. If you screw it up you will have no one to blame but yourself. Start Closing ranks and move as one. If you can't find a decent XX candidate, then find a good XY and stick with him like white on rice. If you make your support unwavering your group could be the next kingmakers.

Black Americans!!!!!

YEAH TEAM! LORD! I LOVE BUSH! There is a good chance we could have 3 (Count them ! 3!) Black American in top White House Position in the Bush Cabinet! And I don't mean the shit jobs either: Dept of Interior, HEW, Ag...etc...

MS. Rice as Sec. DEF. (if Rumsfeld leaves)
MR. Powell as Sec. State (if Rumsfeld leaves Powell might stay longer and be an important voice)
AND (Drum roll please) Mr. Larry Thompson as Attorney General (The first Black American to hold that office!)

This just kicks ass! This is progress!

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