First of All, I need to work on getting some air for my kick in TKD, not to much I need to lose the 5 pounds I gained during the break. Actually I could lose another 100 pounds, and that would held me with my kicks too. Hard to turn that hip over when you have to move a 20 ton ass. So where is all this going. I stopped by the store last night to get some different type of snacks and thing to eat. I Need lot of bulky stuff with low calories, so I got most veggies and plain rice cakes. The idea being if I'm going to snack at least it won't be chips and popcorn, from the eat more weight less school of thought.
Last night, I'm sitting on my butt eating my rice cake, when the urge the cookies pop into my head. Not just any cookies, but the chocolate chip cookies that come from the Iowa State Fair. The are sold in too sizes, a cupful (12 cookies), and a bucket (36 or 48 cookies). I want the bucketful! More than that I want a funnel cake too! And a want the Pork Queen to feed them to me with ice cold glass of milk!

I want sushi too! Not just any sushi. I want the kind of sushi they served on naked women! I want to have rounds of sake with drunken schoolgirls singing Karaoke, all of Legal age of course. My low blood sugar hasn't addled my brain to the point of being a leering lecher.
Crunch goes the rice cake! I hear there is a link between your weight and the amount of hormones that build up in you system and change your sex drive. In short, fat people need love too.
Back to TKD.
We are doing kicking drills last Friday. No Problem. We have some very good people in the club, some are nationally rated. You can learn alot from these people, but do they have to be such an ass about kicking the pads so hard they fly across the room? I know they can kick hard, but do they have to prove it to everyone? What's the the point of kicing the pad out of a 12 years old's hand. It does nothing! It scares the crap out of them and some of the other people too and makes them not want to come back. That kind of behavoir just slow the drill down for the rest of us. Then when you get 2 to 4 of these twits together they just try to out do each other. If they want to do that kind of shit they should all just meet after the regular group and start the colieglate team again. I'm not going to get hurt to satisfy your ego. Next time I'll let you just fly into the wall instead. Assholes!
I went and bought RISK because I was tired of playing Candyland, Clue, and Sorry. I want to kill something and teach my children some of the higher concepts of stragies, wolrd conquest and global domination. I can't throw dice to safe my life. My son can. I'll be damned if he didn't make me pay for every piece of land I took. Twenty-eight guys versus three and he keeps rolling sixes like there is no tomorrow. I roll three sixes (odds 1 in 216), he counters with two sixes and freakin' wins. The odds of five sixes in one throw 1 in 7776. I gotta take this kid to Vegas.
The Computer Game of Risk
How to win at Risk
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