Saturday, December 02, 2006

Game #2: Battlefield 2142

I so close to being done with my Christmas shopping. Last weekend I picked up a few things for me as well during the Black Friday Sales after Thanksgiving. The Battlefield Series has come quite a long way since the start. This is one of the games that show how much fun online game play can be. Yes, you can play the whole Battlefield series by yourself, but what fun is that! Yes, AI have evolved to the point where they are close to being dangerous, but nothing compares to the sneaky bastard you find online. This Game looks beautiful on AMANDA! That being said, if you are running anything less than the current gaming computer you are missing how truly great fun this game is.

On another note I may have finally licked Amanda’s overheating GPU problem. As I stop gap I was using a house fan blowing on an open computer case. I’ve been thinking about a water-cooled system, but the idea of a leak next to my $350 graphics cards just makes me shutter. I finally found this ANTEC VCool. Made by the same company that makes Amanda’s Case. I got two of theses, one for each GPU. Amanda now has a pretty blue glow that can be seen through the side panel. Pretty Freaking Sweet!

Play the Demo: Battlefield 2142 Demo

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