Friday, January 19, 2007

Game #5 – World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

I could try example this game, but what is the point. Either you get it or you don’t. I’ve played a lot of “Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games” or “MMORPGs” and WoW (World of Warcraft)is the most polished. That doesn’t mean it’s the best looking or the best graphics I mean the game is fun and playable. You can go solo. You can play in a group. Depending on the choices you make you can be playing an entire different game than the person next to you. Your experiences are personal and there are parts of the game you will never see depend on the path you choose. You could play this game for years. Blizzard just made an expansion to it…

There goes my time.

If you have ever played any of Blizzard’s other games: Warcraft (I, II, and III), Starcraft (Series), Diablo, and Diablo II. You will find all kinds of Easter Eggs littered throughout the games. The some peasant dialogue comes from Warcraft. The naming convention of treasure is the same pattern as the Diablo series, and some of the monsters look like they come form Starcraft. All that aside, the game is packed with content.

So why am I updating my blog instead of killing scores of nasties and gaining PHAT LEWT? Because the server is full of noobs (new players or low level players)! The expansion has brought thousands of new player and old veteran back to WoW. The older servers are jammed and keep crashing. I could start new characters on a new server, but I’d miss my friends.

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