Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ladies here is something you may or may not know. ALL MALES FIGHT. I not sure if this is true for women, but for men I'm sure you don't know how deep the well goes. Males constantly test each other, not always with physical combat but with games and little challenges everyday. I mention this because I can see this get out of hand all the time. I think the Alpha Dog mentality is too deeply ingrained to be ignore. It happens everywhere, from shuffling in the elevator, trying to get on the highway, or playing video games in the mall. Male are constant trying to figure out who is top dog, and those lies they tell you in school are full of shit. "It's all about how you play" "It doesn't matter who wins" "We are just all here for fun." "Winning isn't everything"

Bullshit! WINNING IS EVERYTHING! That does mean you need to kill your opponent, but be serious in everything. Not all contest are fork in the road, but you need to realize which contest are important. This doesn't mean piss off your boos, nor does it mean you need to be a doormat. Use your head. However it is very relevant to group dynamics.

During these little matches the rules of fairness and decency go out the window. Like Kasparov being kicked under the table and a world class chess match. The only opponent he ever played that had Honor was a machine. The rest spent time trying the distract him from play by kicking him. I don't remember any chess lesson that told me to kick someone. Winning is the only goal. If Kasparov ever lost to these people , you would have never heard about it. Success washes everything clean. Winning is everything and it doesn't matter how you get there. Take Kobe Bryant, Barry Bonds, and a host of thousands.

Not everything is a World Class Chess meet, Super Bowl, or NBA playoff. I'm talking about those little contest that happen everyday. If you lose them you are stuck into the loser pile of life.

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