Saturday, July 04, 2009

For the past six months, the HP and I, have been trying to convince Technotaz of the merits of college. Which he has rebuffed, and stomped off whenever we mention anything about growing up. We have been dragging him to SAT, and ACT test center. because of his "You'll Never take me alive" attitude, we missed all the convenient testing time in town. Which means trips to Cedar Rapids.

Normally, I have no problem with people using my stuff, even family member. However, past experience has told me no one will EVER take the same care of your property as you would. The only way around that is if they have a personal stake in said item. Ok, that's off my chest.

The test is 8 in the morning, so I expect The HP and Taz to come back by noon or 1 PM the latest. 2 PM rolls around, and the phone rings. "Dad... we were in an accident..."

Ok, I really want to say I was concerned for my wife and son, but what I thought was... "Fine, Great, They fucked up my car." I guessing the right half of my brain processed the fact that if anyone was really hurt Taz would say something about that first. At least I hope that was the case. Also, I think my subconscious picked up the hidden glee in TAZ Voice. ( Hee...Hee Dad I have something important to tell you, and this is the first time I've used the call phone to say something important...Hee Hee. and we fucked up your car...and it serves you right for getting me up at 6 AM, to take a stupid test I don't want to take.... Hee...Hee so Fuck You dad! Hee... Hee)

Some 20 something woman, ran into my car, while the HP was at a stop light. As the woman tells the police officer, she was at the stop light behind my wife. She was READING (WTF!) and saw the left lane traffic move out of the corner of her eye. She just assumed it was time to go and didn't look ahead and just stepped on the gas. (OK, she wasn't even looking out the front of her windshield, and when the Turn LANE started to move, she went.) Some people need to be beaten with a stick. I suppose if my wife hadn't have been there, she would have driven right into the intersection and into the turning oncoming traffic. So the HP save some one's life.

So now I have to spend two fixing something, because some random ditz decided using using The Force is a good driving strategy.

As you can see the damage is not that bad, but it's still a pain to settle everything with the insurance company. THANK GOD! Iowa law always places the blame on the person who strike you from behind.

The rear bumper was replaced, and the truck lid was replaced as well. It looks nice now but I miss the dealer's logo. He was a cute little logo of a secret agent, peeking out of a window. If you look closely you can sort of make him out on the truck lid.

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