Friday, June 28, 2013

Channeling My Grandfather.

I have never shot a gun before last week.   Yes, I have a couple of BB guns, but those don't really count.  So I went to the Banner Shooting Range in Indainola, IA.   and spent the afternoon using a gun my Grandfather used when working on ship on the Great Lakes.  What are the things of life that get passed down generation?  Weapons and Wealth (Jewelry, Land, Stock, etc)  Ipretty sure my Grandkids (if I have any) are not going to want my iPad.  For that matter look around your house, what do you see?  Anything that will be useful in 100 years?  Not Likely.  But a gun?  Maybe.  Not a musket of course, but in the past 130 years nothing beats a bullet.  It's cheap and you can be an idiot with the ability to point and shoot. 

The other thing, It's just Damn Fun!  BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!

I was surprised by two things.  The guns are a lot louder than I thought they would be.  Of course, there was someone at the shooting range who was firing a CANNON.  The second surprise was how hard it was to squeeze the trigger.

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