Life By the Number
HR: 58
BP: 128/80
A1c: 6.2
Office Wt: 250
Home Wt: 247
You know all the crap you hear about wieght lose? Take this pill! Use this system! Eat this special food! Lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks!
All of that is horseshit! You know the best way to lose weight diet and exercise. Stop eating crap. Get 8 hours of sleep. Do Thrity minutes of vigorous exercise every day. ( Mastrubating to pornography doesn't count!)
All that stuff you mom told you about eating your veggies and not to drink some much soda pop really works. Get over the fact you had a bad gym experience, when the class bully snapped your jock strap or pulled down your short exposing your raging hard on while you watched the girls in Coed swim class. (Not that I dwell on that! Although I am quite proud of the shocked looks I got. )
For those few readers I have left paying attention, my numbers are fan-fucking-tastic. Six months ago I was at 6.8 for my A1c. Try to think of your red blood cells as doughnut. The A1c is a percentage of sugar covering the outside of the red blood cell, like the sugar on a doughnut. Normal range is 4.8-5.9% , like a plain cake doughnut that a couple of sprinkles. (Aside: If the red blood cell have too much sugar on their surface they can stick together just like real doughnuts. Which lead to kidney damage, heart damage, blindness, loss of limbs, and death). At 6.2% my donuts are lightly glazed. At 15.6% your doughnut have been through the Krispy Kreme Sugar Waterfall, dipped in chocolate, covered in rainbow sprinkles, then covered with doughnut crumbles. Your blood has the consistency of pancake batter and it is only a matter of time before your heart explodes.
I have been working hard over the past two year to actually lose the weight. A fat black guy walking through Wal-mart just seems a stereotypical at this point. (Aside: I get more looks from women theses day. Evidently when you weigh 250 and everyone else is 350+ you look pretty damn sexy in some women's eyes) I haven't weighed 250 since 1999.
How did I do this? Little changes and small steps. I can't gaurantee this will work for you but it worked for me so far.
1. A little willpower doesn't mean saying no to every piece of cake or twinkie. It does mean not eating after 8 pm. Realizing you don't need that bag of chips while you play video games. Think before you eat. Are you eating to cover something else? Sometimes having an honest look at yourself is the hardest part.
2. Cut out all diet soda pop and artificial sweetener, anything with the claim of zero calories because sugar substitute are not your friend. Artificial sweeteners trick the body into thinking it has sugar to burn. When it can't find the energy your body craves more food. All that fake sugar screws up your sense of taste as well. Try cutting out all the fake sugar you have for two weeks then eat an apple, grapes or another piece of fruit. (Really you should try this. It shocked the hell out of me.)
3. Get some exercise everyday. Start slow and let your body adjust. When I started TKD I thought I was going to die, after six month it was wasn't that bad. Sweat is your friend. After my knee injury I had to start slow again and work up to what I do now: 35 minutes fast climb on a stepper, 1965 feet ascent. (Aside: Since writing and editing I have upped to 40 minutes and now climb 2240 feet.) I start with 15 minutes on the lowest difficulty and I thought I was going to die. Every time my body got used to the work load I increased the time by 5 minutes or increase the stepper level. It's about every two months or so.
4. Cut out the fast food. Getting rid of the Burger, fries and pop can do wonders. Maybe having Fast Food once a month is a good goal to work toward. Not all fast food is created equal. A sub sandwich with unsweetened ice tea and no chips is better than double cheeseburger, large fries and a coke. Packing a lunch will save you a bit of cash too.
5. Eating regularly breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Watch your portions You don't need as much food as you think you do. The restaurants are lying to you. No one needs a 16 oz steak.
6. Drink lots of water, Unsweetened iced tea, or plain coffee. (Not any of that Iced Coffee with Whipped cream crap). Maybe once a week I have a can (12oz - 355ml) of regular soda, but that is a rare special treat. I think cutting out the diet and sugar drinks have helped me a great deal. You would be surprise how many calories you down everyday in your drinks.
7. Weight yourself everyday and keep track of what is going on. Your weight from day to day may change by 3 to 5 pounds. There may seems to be no reason for it, but it happens. I have stuffed myself and the next day I've been of the scale and it reads 2 pounds lighter. Other days I barley had anything and gain 3 pounds. This is normal. As you body loses fat and gains muscle you may gain some weight. If you are well hydrated one day and thirsty the next day, that can show up in your weight too. Track your weight everyday, but look at the trend downward over the months.
8. All of this will take time. I can't help you if you want to lose 10 pounds in 10 days. You didn't wake up 300 pounds one day. You grew that way over time, it's going to take some time to lose the weight as well. Be realistic. Do not give up trying just because you can not lose five pounds the that day.
9. You will slip. Binge on a pizza. Eat too much cake. You'll gain 5 pounds in a week on vacation that took you a good month and a half to lose. Don't give up. Get back on the horse. rome was not built in a day and neither is a slimmer you.
HR: 58
BP: 128/80
A1c: 6.2
Office Wt: 250
Home Wt: 247
You know all the crap you hear about wieght lose? Take this pill! Use this system! Eat this special food! Lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks!
All of that is horseshit! You know the best way to lose weight diet and exercise. Stop eating crap. Get 8 hours of sleep. Do Thrity minutes of vigorous exercise every day. ( Mastrubating to pornography doesn't count!)
All that stuff you mom told you about eating your veggies and not to drink some much soda pop really works. Get over the fact you had a bad gym experience, when the class bully snapped your jock strap or pulled down your short exposing your raging hard on while you watched the girls in Coed swim class. (Not that I dwell on that! Although I am quite proud of the shocked looks I got. )
For those few readers I have left paying attention, my numbers are fan-fucking-tastic. Six months ago I was at 6.8 for my A1c. Try to think of your red blood cells as doughnut. The A1c is a percentage of sugar covering the outside of the red blood cell, like the sugar on a doughnut. Normal range is 4.8-5.9% , like a plain cake doughnut that a couple of sprinkles. (Aside: If the red blood cell have too much sugar on their surface they can stick together just like real doughnuts. Which lead to kidney damage, heart damage, blindness, loss of limbs, and death). At 6.2% my donuts are lightly glazed. At 15.6% your doughnut have been through the Krispy Kreme Sugar Waterfall, dipped in chocolate, covered in rainbow sprinkles, then covered with doughnut crumbles. Your blood has the consistency of pancake batter and it is only a matter of time before your heart explodes.
I have been working hard over the past two year to actually lose the weight. A fat black guy walking through Wal-mart just seems a stereotypical at this point. (Aside: I get more looks from women theses day. Evidently when you weigh 250 and everyone else is 350+ you look pretty damn sexy in some women's eyes) I haven't weighed 250 since 1999.
How did I do this? Little changes and small steps. I can't gaurantee this will work for you but it worked for me so far.
1. A little willpower doesn't mean saying no to every piece of cake or twinkie. It does mean not eating after 8 pm. Realizing you don't need that bag of chips while you play video games. Think before you eat. Are you eating to cover something else? Sometimes having an honest look at yourself is the hardest part.
2. Cut out all diet soda pop and artificial sweetener, anything with the claim of zero calories because sugar substitute are not your friend. Artificial sweeteners trick the body into thinking it has sugar to burn. When it can't find the energy your body craves more food. All that fake sugar screws up your sense of taste as well. Try cutting out all the fake sugar you have for two weeks then eat an apple, grapes or another piece of fruit. (Really you should try this. It shocked the hell out of me.)
3. Get some exercise everyday. Start slow and let your body adjust. When I started TKD I thought I was going to die, after six month it was wasn't that bad. Sweat is your friend. After my knee injury I had to start slow again and work up to what I do now: 35 minutes fast climb on a stepper, 1965 feet ascent. (Aside: Since writing and editing I have upped to 40 minutes and now climb 2240 feet.) I start with 15 minutes on the lowest difficulty and I thought I was going to die. Every time my body got used to the work load I increased the time by 5 minutes or increase the stepper level. It's about every two months or so.
4. Cut out the fast food. Getting rid of the Burger, fries and pop can do wonders. Maybe having Fast Food once a month is a good goal to work toward. Not all fast food is created equal. A sub sandwich with unsweetened ice tea and no chips is better than double cheeseburger, large fries and a coke. Packing a lunch will save you a bit of cash too.
5. Eating regularly breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Watch your portions You don't need as much food as you think you do. The restaurants are lying to you. No one needs a 16 oz steak.
6. Drink lots of water, Unsweetened iced tea, or plain coffee. (Not any of that Iced Coffee with Whipped cream crap). Maybe once a week I have a can (12oz - 355ml) of regular soda, but that is a rare special treat. I think cutting out the diet and sugar drinks have helped me a great deal. You would be surprise how many calories you down everyday in your drinks.
7. Weight yourself everyday and keep track of what is going on. Your weight from day to day may change by 3 to 5 pounds. There may seems to be no reason for it, but it happens. I have stuffed myself and the next day I've been of the scale and it reads 2 pounds lighter. Other days I barley had anything and gain 3 pounds. This is normal. As you body loses fat and gains muscle you may gain some weight. If you are well hydrated one day and thirsty the next day, that can show up in your weight too. Track your weight everyday, but look at the trend downward over the months.
8. All of this will take time. I can't help you if you want to lose 10 pounds in 10 days. You didn't wake up 300 pounds one day. You grew that way over time, it's going to take some time to lose the weight as well. Be realistic. Do not give up trying just because you can not lose five pounds the that day.
9. You will slip. Binge on a pizza. Eat too much cake. You'll gain 5 pounds in a week on vacation that took you a good month and a half to lose. Don't give up. Get back on the horse. rome was not built in a day and neither is a slimmer you.
Congratulations, Ken! That's amazing progress to show for all your hard work!
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