Wednesday, March 02, 2005

My book update on Bitten.

Our heroin had to choose between two men, the nice guy and the jerk. I had 50 page left and was looking forward to see who she would choose. I need not have worried, in five pages something takes one of the two men out of the picture. Heaven forbid our heroin would have to make a decision! I hate author would make their female characters strong, rough and tumble women, that can't makes decision about their relationships. Anita Blake is great with a gun, but can't tell any male what matters to her, or what's really on her mind. I hate that. It just irks me.

I see this quality in men and women. It seem weak to me, if you can't make decision about what you want , what matters to you, or what you need. I hate decision made by making no decision at all. What's the point, if all you say is "I don't care", or just avoid life all together?

You are given a choice between A and B. Why choose C, the sit on my butt until A or B goes way. It's just like the song Freewill by Rush. If you choose nothing at all you still have made a choice.

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