Tuesday, May 08, 2007

There are some days when all you want to do is sit on your ass, watch TiVo or do WoW, and scratch your balls, but I‘ve been busy. So two conferences, two tax days, two childrens’ birthday parties, and one dead animal later I back to blogging. The last three weeks seem to have gone on forever, but a lot of things have been going on. So let’s get started…

I lied to Paula Poundstone. (I always like to get the big stuff out of the way first) I went to see Ms. Poundstone at the Englert Theater in downtown Iowa City. I think she is hysterical and this is the second time I’ve seen her live. She did two hours of some really funny stuff, some of it was from her past acts, some of it was new stuff, and she had some great moments of improv. She tried some political material, but that sort of fell flat. Not because it was not funny but because she was in Iowa City and she is sort of preaching to the choir. Everyone was nodding his or her heads in agreement instead of laugh. I think that threw her a bit. She did a great puppet show with her shoes, and commented on the “Humping Boxcars” walking bridge across Dubuque Street. Back to the Lie…

Ms. Poundstone signed autographs and copies of her new book after her show, which was great. Most performers tried to get out of Iowa as fast as they can. So I bought her book and waited in line for her to sign it. She signed everyone person book and talk for 3 to 5 minutes with each person who was there. Which greats even more points with me! I get to the front of the line and have her sign my book and a playbill. I explain that I have a collection of autographs of comedienne I’ve seen. I kept this since I was a kid. Which is true. At that point she asks whom else I have. I Panic. My collection has David Brenner and that’s it. I also have Mo’ Udall but that’s another story. I didn’t what her to think I wasn’t sincere or I was going to sale her autograph on EBay. I told her I have Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor, but I never got a chance to get either of these two great guys. So feel like such a shit, but I really want to put her in my scrapbook collection and I have nothing but love a respect for her. I just couldn’t say she was page two in my collection and still seem sincere. So I lied, I’m so sorry Paula! Forgive me!

You‘ve seen the Pig Accountant. Now meet his wife, the Pig Fashion Designer. My daughter drew another picture for me, and I have to publish it. This semester I’ve been spending a lot of time doing the family thing. (I’ve been in school for so long I think of the years as set of semester instead of months.) Technowitch has Girl Scouts, Dance, Orchestra, and Choir. Technowiz has Boy Scouts, Track, Church Group, and Mentor Tutoring. Technotaz has WoW, and stained glass Club. So I’ve been to Art shows, Concerts, Plays, Shows, Dances, Banquets and all kinds of stuff. So much so I have been to TKD as much as I like, and the household choirs get pushed back a bit. I’m not complaining, I just wish there were more days in the week or if I didn’t have to sleep for six hours.

The High Priestess has been bugging me for a piano for twenty years. When we were first married I bought her a very nice full-size electric keyboard. This went over like a lead balloon. She never played it. I guess she wanted something like her childhood. So I’m out running some errands last Saturday and I stop by a Garage sale on a whim. There’s a piano for sale. I know from past experience people sell piano all the time for $300 to $1000 dollars. A lot of times the price is based on if you can move it. I cracked a joke and said, “Let me guess the piano free if I can move it out of here.” The Sellers laughs and after a moment of thought tells me that the cost is $50. Wow, that’s a deal and it will get the High Priestess in a happy mood. I race home and tell HP about the piano. She agrees to take a look at it. She drives off and ten minutes later Technowitch calls me and say Mom has bought a piano. Great Deal! Now I just have to find a way to move it. I go through my short list of friends who have a pickup truck. I later decide I still want them to be my friends and settle on renting a U-Haul truck. On Sunday, we rent a truck and move the piano. It’s a good deal. There are something thing that we can now see in a clear light of the family room. There are some cigarette burns on the wood. I picture some beatnik trying to play the panties off some coeds and he sets his current cigarette down on the piano edge so he can use both hands. HP is in love with the piano and the kids can’t keep their hands off of it. Actually, I’m beginning to think TW is musically inclined. Even Technotaz has mentioned something about taking piano lesson. Now I’m just shocked.

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